Friday, June 18, 2010

craving for the journey through past

I have had enough already
I had made up my mind that very instant
I should solve this matter quickly..
So I thought the best way is -to ask for help .. Consult someone...
And the best way to solve a problem is from the beginning.
I would go back in my past and try joining all the paradoxical events that had taken place in my life...there were quite a few which had occurred already (and I had no idea how many more were to come)

Im guessing you have got the feeling that im talking about consulting a doctor or a psychiatrist even…..just imagine…hell no! That would be perhaps my last option!.
I decided to consult someone way better…(.and guess wat that too for free!;))

The only person who had stood besides me throughout my life,
Given me the best possible advice how to tackle all my problems
..Yes …she was the one,my pillar of sensibility, my cousin - my Mamata Didi..
She is the only one who could give me the best unbiased advice . And I had no doubt about it that this time to she would be there for me

Well that’s it on my Di’s matter for now
More on her and on her role in my tainted life later.

And by the way im sure all of you must be wondering what sort of a character is this.
Telling about his entire life without introducing himself even.
But bear no grudges ….I will let you’ll know who I am and what I’m talking about very soon…this is after all my story…about my life!

So there i was all set onto an expedition to save my already mudduled up life ..
.A journey through my past...that was the solve

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