Monday, January 24, 2011

A journey to conspire ( how i met zoya part 1)

“mom, i am going to attend those internet security camps, shyam uncle was talking about it right. I will be staying with him...
“yes, of course he knows, and i promise i will be back in time to answer my back papers”..i was talking in rather convincing tone

But her words echoed into my ears with a whirled perplexity...
“i don’t know what you are doing and i don’t know what you are going to do...but just remember we have supported you throughout and will continue to do so, just take your life seriously gaurav, and take care of urself”

All i had was enough money to survive a month or two, my laptop which had nothing more than my poetries , my fifa10 game and ofcourse snaps which were memories of all my friends. All the memories were trapped in my laptop and i wanted to take them all with me, incase i miss my friends – a stern reality

Im sure most of you all must have experienced journeys , some of you all must have gone through some “journeys to inspire” concept...
Well i had one journey...a journey that changed the entire entire course of my life...i call it “a journey to conspire”

3 days of perplexity (day 3)

[content suppressed] - as per the order of "high command"..:)